Non Surgical Skin Tightening
How does Ultherapy work on my skin?
The Ulthera™ System combines ultrasound imaging of your skin’s upper layers, with the application of low level heat energy.
Your skin responds to the energy by immediately contracting slightly; the treatment then stimulates the growth of new collagen over time. Gradual tightening ultimately results in a natural, beneficial lift of the tissues in your facial skin.
How is Ulthera different than other non-surgical skin tightening procedures?
Ultherapy is the only skin rejuvenation procedure that uses ultrasound imaging and therapy.
The ability to use an established technology to both see below the skin and then treat it with great precision, helps ensure both safety and a significant outcome.
What can I expect afterwards?
You’ll feel fine returning to your normal activities right away; you don’t need to take any special measures.
Your skin may appear a bit flushed or puffy immediately after the treatment, but these will usually be mild effects that should disappear in a matter of hours.
What is the procedure like?
The doctor or nurse touches the smooth Ulthera ultrasound applicator to your face, which allows him or her to actually see into your skin and the tissue beneath.
As with other sonograms, both you and the practitioner can see your skin’s image on a monitor. This same handpiece then delivers low levels of heat energy at the precise depth beneath your skin to produce a positive effect, leaving the surface of your skin unharmed.
Is Ultherapy safe?
In any medical procedure, there will be general safety considerations, which your doctor will discuss with you. You should know that ultrasound energy has been used in medical imaging and therapeutics such as sonograms for over 50 years, and clinical studies have confirmed the safety of this latest application.
What kind of results will I see?
Right after your first treatment, your skin begins to regenerate. The full effect will develop gradually over two to three months. In the FDA clinical trial, nine out of ten patients had a noticeable, significant lift of the brow line, resulting in a more open, refreshed appearance overall. Patients reported firmer, tighter, more fit-looking skin in other areas of the face and neck as well. One treatment lasts 2 years or more in most cases.