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Dr. Poon Cosmetic Medicine

Pulsed Light (IPL)
For Smoother, Younger Looking Skin
What is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) ?
The IPL can simultaneously treat a wide range of facial blemishes safely and effectively on almost any area of the body for providing smoother, younger-looking skin. The IPL system is low risk, nearly pain-free, and requires no down-time treatment. The non-invasive treatment is fast, and the recovery is minimal.
How does it work?
The IPL uses short pulses of intense light which transfers into heat energy upon contact with the skin surface. Darker areas (i.e. hair follicles, brown spots) attract the light towards it, resulting in intense removal of the pigmentation in targeted areas.
What kinds of skin conditions can the IPL treat?
Photo facial – Targets darker spots on the surface (i.e. freckles, brown spots, Rosacea, scars)
Hair removal – Removes hair effectively on all areas of the body
Acne treatment – Treats acne on the face and body
Photo rejuvenation – Targets the deeper layer of the skin’s surface to stimulate collagen production
Vascular lesions – Treats broken capillaries on the face
What Exactly is a FotoFacial?
The FotoFacial procedure uses radiofrequency, infrared, and intense pulsed light (IPL) energy to address red discolouration, fine lines, blemishes, and brown spots on the face, neck, chest, and hands. This treatment is also used to reduce the appearance of spider veins on the face.
What are the advantages?
The main advantage of the IPL system is the cooling feature. The light pulses are only emitted when the specified skin temperature is sensed by the hand piece filter, minimizing the pain and the need for topical ointments after treatment.
How Long Does a FotoFacial Take?
The procedure takes 20-30 minutes.
How Long Does It Take to Recover From a FotoFacial?
The takes 24-48 hours to recover form a FotoFacial.
Am I Ready For a FotoFacial?
Are you tired of dealing with signs of aging or skin imperfections? Can you commit to a home care routine to maintain the results? If so, you are ready for a FotoFacial.
Do I Need a FotoFacial?
Do you have fine lines, blemishes, brown spots, or other imperfections on your skin? Do these imperfections make you look and feel older and lower your self-confidence? If the answer is “yes,” you need a FotoFacial.
Who Is a FotoFacial Candidate?
Ideal candidates have:
● Fine lines
● Blemishes
● Brown spots
● Facial spider veins and facial redness
● Sun-damaged skin, photoaging
● Aging skin
● Oily skin
● Enlarged pores
● Acne scars
You are not a good candidate for a FotoFacial if you are unrealistic, have certain inflammatory conditions, cancerous tumours, or are using Accutane. If you are not a good candidate for a FotoFacial, consider other non-surgical treatments.
Benefits of a FotoFacial
Vibrant and Youthful Skin
Patients notice a significant 80% improvement in wrinkles, colour, tone, and blemishes after 5 FotoFacial treatments. The skin also feels softer and more even giving people a more youthful appearance.
Stimulates Collagen Production
The FotoFacial treatment stimulates the body’s production of collagen. Collagen makes the skin look smoother and younger. By boosting collagen production, people continue to enjoy results well after the procedure. The FotoFacial also reduces unwanted colour, both red and brown in the skin, so your skin tone looks evener.
FotoFacials are more affordable than any other age-defying treatment. Those who want to enjoy the results without spending lots of money can get a FotoFacial at SpaMedica.
Fast Recovery
Downtime is minimal after a FotoFacial. People can resume normal activities immediately and are fully recovered after 24-48 hours.
FotoFacial Risks
The FotoFacial procedure is minimally invasive, and serious complications are rare.
Facial Redness
It’s normal to experience some facial redness immediately following the procedure. The face might appear flushed, but this goes away within 48 hours.
Mild Swelling
Mild swelling is also possible after this procedure. Because the swelling is mild, it isn’t always noticeable, so people still feel comfortable going to work and social activities. The swelling generally goes away within 48 hours.
Some patients experience mild bruising following the procedure. The area might be a bit sore, but the bruises normally go away within two days.
Scarring and Permanent Discoloration
While rare, it is possible to experience scarring and permanent discolouration following the procedure. Dr. Mulholland and his SpaMedica team will discuss this complication in detail during the consultation.
How to Prepare for a FotoFacial
Patients should prepare for a FotoFacial by:
Stopping anti-inflammatory medications.
Avoiding sunlight and tanning.
Removing makeup and lotions before the treatment.
What to Expect After a FotoFacial
Patients start to notice the results of the FotoFacial approximately 1 week after treatment. Patients get closer to their desired outcome with each treatment and enjoy the optimal results after the final treatment.
FotoFacial Recovery and Timeline
Recovery from a FotoFacial treatment is quick and easy. Most people experience some redness that makes the face appear flushed for the first 24-48 hours. Some swelling is also possible. Also, if the treatment was used to treat dark spots, the spots might appear darker initially but shortly thereafter, the spots will begin to fade and flake off.
People can resume normal activities immediately following the FotoFacial procedure. However, they should wear sunscreen whenever they are in the sun.
How Painful Is It to Get a FotoFacial?
Patients only experience a mild level of discomfort during FotoFacial treatments. Some people experience a slight stinging sensation. Topical numbing cream, forced air cooling, and laughing gas help make all SpaMedica treatments comfortable.
What Is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and How Does It Work??
Intense pulsed light is a non-invasive treatment technique that emits intense pulses of light. The light targets the hemoglobin and melanin, damaging the structures. The body either absorbs or disposes of the damaged structures.
Is a FotoFacial an Option for All Skin Types?
A FotoFacial is effective for all skin types. However, certain skin types might respond better when the FotoFacial treatment is combined with another procedure. Very dark skin types benefit more from PicoFacial and other non-light based treatments.
Can You Wear Makeup After an IPL FotoFacial?
Patients should not wear makeup immediately following a FotoFacial treatment. However, they can resume wearing makeup shortly thereafter. Once the redness is gone, patients can wear makeup, but they should put on moisturizer before applying makeup.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments required to see an improvement in skin will vary between each individual patient. On average, each treatment results in a 10-15% improvement. Most patients require 4 to 6 treatments every 1 to 2 weeks ; however a consultation would be the best way to estimate the number of treatments required to achieve your desired results.